
영작에서 you/people가 반복 될 때

Asako116 2021. 10. 12. 19:02

Sometimes the pronoun “you” is used to directly address another speaker.

Other times, in informal English, it is used to mean “anyone”.

This construction is very common in speech. However, in writing it is confusing and creates problems for the reader. When writing, it is important to not use either version of the pronoun “you”: the direct or the generic.

- In the U.S. you can’t drink until you’re 21.

- In the U.S. people can’t drink until they’re 21.

- The legal drinking age in the U.S. is 21.

Can you delete it? Example : your/people’s/ mine → delete

Replace with a word meaning people like “citizens” or “users” “viewers” “residents”

Replace with construction like “it is impossible” or “it is necessary”

Try the passive voice (doesn’t always work) *

Who is doing the action? If uncertain, don’t use the passive voice.

Raise a noun to the subject position (i.e. “drinking age” )