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녹색채권 Green bond


by Asako116 2024. 5. 20. 13:14





국가·지방 자치 단체·은행·회사 등이 필요한 자금을 차입(借入)할 때에 발행하는 공채(公債)·사채(社債) 등의 유가 증권.


*유가증권 의미는 가치가 있는 의미이다. (무가증권으로 검색해보니 가치가 없는 증권이라고 나옴)

Bonds refer to financial instruments where the issuer (debtor) is obligated to repay the holder (creditor) a specified amount of money, known as the principal, along with interest over a predetermined period of time. In essence, bonds represent a form of debt financing, where the issuer borrows funds from investors in exchange for periodic interest payments and the eventual repayment of the principal amount.

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